Hey y'all! Welcome to my first blog post ever. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be writing a blog... let alone a career blog.
So, let me tell you a little about myself. I have been in the work world, for what feels like forever and it has been quite the ride. The advice I received from my family post-college regarding my career was... to find a job and get a 401K. Sounds pretty simple right, so that's is what I did. I got a job and signed up for a 401K. OK, so now what?
I found out that it was not so simple. I wanted more out of my career than just a paycheck and a pension. My family did not quite understand why I wanted more from a job. They were career professionals; teachers, state and federal employees with nice pensions they could retire on and live comfortably for the rest of their days. Not only did I not have that option, but I needed more.
Below are a few personal factors missing from the advice I received...
Satisfaction - Do I feel accomplished in my work?
Valued - Does my employer truly appreciate what I do?
Happiness - Do I enjoy my job?
At the end of the day did I feel like I accomplished something or was there so much on my plate that actually nothing was completed. #spinningmywheels Am I learning new skills? Growing into a better person/employee because of my work? Or am I stagnate? Are there new opportunities for experiences or promotion? If, the answer to these questions is no... it's time to start my job search. (Not ready, leave that job... but just start looking.)
This brings me to my next question, does the organization value me as a person? (This is a complicated question, but there are signs you should watch out for.) Does the company disseminate company-wide information to its employees? #thewatercooler Do they reinvest money into their employees through training opportunities or recognition? You hereof these horror stories about people suffering major tragedies and their supervisor asking them when they are coming into work. Also, How do they treat you once you have decided to leave? (I had a boss stop speaking to me once.)
I am a firm believer that happiness is a choice, but with wisdom and responsibility. There are things you are going to love about your job and the things you will absolutely hate! Your job does not have to make you happy, but you should not have a feeling of overwhelmed dread, depression, and anxiety in regards to your job.#cryinginyourcar Americans spend the majority of their time at work, 8-12 hours a day if you include your commute. (x40 years) That is a long time to feel unhappy. Now, I am not an advocate for quitting a job before you have another, you should not neglect your responsibilities to yourself or your family. I am however someone who will stand in your corner, cheer you on as search for the career you have longed for.
As a career coach, I am looking forward to working with clients who are ready to make a change and be courageous in their pursuit of the career of their dreams. Share the link below with friends and family. Next week I am starting a series on why your LinkedIn profile is trash and how you can fix it! Have a great week!
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